Wow, I hadn't been looking at these messages for a few days as they were
flooding my e-mail software faster than I could be bothered to read. 
>From what I read here Andy,
 that is really shocking, to actively place code into a software to disable
it from being used by a particular callsign.  The mind boggles as they say. 
It seemed an interesting experimental mode, I agree.  But to be honest I don
t think I shall bother too now as there seems much to much grief happening
from this.  
Like I say, it seemed a fair experimental mode but it is wider than most and
their isn't much room on the bands anyway. 
Shall probably stick to CW, PSK, RTTY, JT65, OLIVIA and a few others.  

It'd be nice to see something other than ROS comments on the digi reflector
group. For a change. 

Toby MM0TOB  
-------Original Message------- 
From: Andy obrien 
Date: 03/03/2010 12:57:37 
To: digitalradio; 
Subject: [digitalradio] Statement on Withdrawal of Support for ROS (K3UK
Sked Pages) 
I was disturbed when the ROS author suggested that he was considering 
Legal action against N3TL for merely raising the question of legality 
In the USA. I am even more disturbed that the author of the software 
Has an apparent plan to include the callsign of certain hams in a 
"non-grata" list , suggesting that the software would not allow them 
To make QSOs . Thus, I am removing support that I have provided via 
The K3UK Sked pages. People are free to post and chat about ROS on 
The Sked Pages but my prominent mention of ROS , and support by 
Listed calling frequencies, will be removed. 
The message from Jose on his 
"Some people think to keep telling lies on Internet blogs is going to 
Go free. People still trying to outlaw ROS although the FCC has given 
Approval will not be able to make any QSO with ROS or any of the 
Projects I have designed for the future. 
“Non Grata” List: 
This reflector helped catapult ROS 16 in to a world-wide experiment 
After Jose had not been able to generate much interest in his first 
Few announcements on other forums. While the "fuss" created by 
Questions about the legality may have understandably frustrated Jose, 
The above behaviour is not in keeping with the spirit of ham radio 
Project development and is not within the generally accepted ethics 
Espoused by this email group. I have been proud of the openness that 
Software developers have shown of the past 10 years on this email 
List. Patrick, Simon, Skip, Dave B, Dave F Rein, Murray, Joe, 
Leigh, Pawel, Nino, Vojtech, Bob, , Stelios, Mako, Rick, Tom, HB9TLK, 
And many others have provided us with enjoyable applications and have 
Openly accepted varying opinions on this forum . When you start 
Making absurd legal threats against a ham that was simply safeguarding 
His well earned radio operating privileges, and become thin skinned to 
The point of excluding hams from using the software, it is time to 
Take the software to the commercial world and remove it from amateur 
Radio use. 
I have enjoyed ROS as an application and may still use if from time to 
Time, too bad we have a rather volatile author whose overreactions are 
Ruining the benefits of his considerable talents. 
Andy K3UK 
Try Hamspots, PSKreporter, and K3UK Sked Page 
Suggesting calling frequencies: Modes <500Hz 3583,7073,14073,18103, 21073
24923, 28123 . Wider modes e.g. Olivia 32/1000, ROS16, ALE: 14109.7088. 
Yahoo! Groups Links 

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