Aha, this switch was not implemented in the version 4.8.2 that I was

la5vna Steinar

On 24.07.2010 16:23, Siegfried Jackstien wrote:
> Iin the tab skets click on cluster
> There you can send spots manually and switch off the autospotting
> I let the newest version run for a few hours >>> not autospots were sent
> when switch was off
> You can send autogenerated and in downloaded newest version the switch is
> set normally to on . so as the users do not switch it off (or using old
> version) there is the reason for the soft still sending spots
> So all users should manually switch that function off ! ! !
> Psk reporter sends to the map
> Cluster sends to telnet
> Ros sends on air and the emails via gmail
> As the autospot can now be switched off we have what we wanted ..
> What about an autospot configurable by user (only send spots more than
xy km
> distance)
> Hope you find that switch hi hi
> Greetz
> Sigi
> Dg9bfc

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