>A safety pin on a gun, doesn't make the gun less destructive Sigi...


Right but prevents loosing a shot by accident while the gun is in your

There are still users that do not know what is the soft doing in the
background as not all users read the news (this group and others)


If every user switches the function off it is like jose never programmed it

He uses the same triggers for the psk reporter page (map view)

So why not just switch spots off and enjoy the nice view on the map

We can use the programmed (hardcoded) clusters for sending INTERRESTING
spots by hand

So just use what we have with the needed options

I do not like that joses soft is spamming the clusters

As some sysops do not forward ros spots anymore jose has to change them in
every new version

If spots were set to off nobody would be angry about some hand spotted calls

The massive flooding (about 20 + spot per hour) is the problem

So the safety pin is fine 

But in a new installed version the pin is set to "unsafe"



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