Hello I dont understand how to use the gr-cdma. I have installed it via GitHub 
and am currently looking at the cdma_tx and cdma_rx files. I am having problems 
trying to figure out what I am supposed to be inputting in certain blocks such 
as the import block that states “import cdma.cdma_paramters as cp” and other 
fields like the Missing block “coma_tx_hier”. I have loaded all of the 6 heir 
blocks that you mentioned in the read me. I'm guessing that means simply just 
open it via the GRC which I have done and some blocks are "red" because they 
require certain information which I don't know where to acquire from. I have 
reloaded all the blocks as well. I have two USRPS one to serve as transmitter 
and other as receiver so I want to test the cdma transmission using the cdma_tx 
and cdma_rx 
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