That's the version of Obj-C. Linux is stuck on 1.9. Obj-c 2.0 released in
2006, as I'm sure you are aware.
I can use this build to create
2.1 on Linux. The FeeBSD is stuck at 2.0, as they no longer have a
maintainer of their gnustep port.

On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 1:15 PM Gregory Casamento <>

> Bruce,
> On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 7:57 AM bruce <>
> wrote:
>> Something clicked (about 3 this morning) about version 1.9. I’ve assumed
>> this was the version in the Linux repos due to their typical bureaucracy.
>> But more research tells me that 2.1 cannot compile using gcc. I never
>> choose gcc myself. But the linux repo maintenance tools such as Launchpad
>> depend on it. So they are stuck on 1.9, which is generally referred to as
>> obsolete. It’s a reason people tell me they don’t use gnustep. So I
>> installed Ubuntu on my backup this morning, and instead of building
>> gnustep, I installed 1.9, and the artifact issue goes away.
> Where are you getting these version numbers from?   The current releases
> of gnustep libraries are as follows:
> gnustep-base: 1.28.0
> gnustep-gui: 0.30.0
> gnustep-back: 0.30.0
> gnustep-make: 2.9.1
> I don't know what 1.9 and 2.1 are referring to.  If you could clarify that
> would be immensely helpful.
> Now I see the problem. 1.9 works, but few people use it. I’m not going to
>> base a new project on something that is old and deprecated past
>> obsolescence. FreeBSD uses a port of 2.0.
>> My renewed interest in gnustep is due to a conversation with @gcasa on
>> github. He was complaining that helloSystem didn’t consult with the gnustep
>> project. He has a point, helloSystem is a reworking of the osx style
>> desktop on freebsd. But I chimed in, and told him I didn’t think gnustep
>> was viable. He took that personally, and it was the passion of his response
>> that convinced me that gnustep was not dead. And I decided to either prove
>> he was right or wrong. Unfortunately, I still think he’s wrong.
> It isn't, but you're going about this entirely the wrong way.  I still
> KNOW that you're wrong.  Again, you haven't consulted anyone, asked for ANY
> help on anything.  Made assumptions and gone off in the wrong direction.
>  So you have proved NOTHING.  Given GNUstep's use, as I have pointed out,
> both commercially and many other places absolutely proves you incorrect.
> Originally, I looked at ObjFw. It uses Gtk or Qt for gui. But now I
>> understand this:
> Again, if you're looking for the ability to build macOS apps, ObjFw is NOT
> the way.
>> ‘It supports all modern Objective-C features when using Clang, but is
>> also compatible with GCC ≥ 4.6 to allow maximum portability.’
> As is GNUstep.  We are a GNU project (it's in the name) we still support
> GCC.  Your failure to build with GCC is also something you never talked to
> anyone about.   You simply jumped to the conclusion that because you ran
> into an issue on your system, it MUST not work.  Please check on GitHub we
> have CI running for every commit.  It works fine with clang and gcc.  Clang
> is recommended since it fully supports ObjC2.0.  This is a compiler thing,
> not a framework thing.
> The main issue I have with ObjFw is lack of documentation. I have
>> complained about this with gnustep as well, but then I found old O’Reilly
>> books at the local thrift store that finally explained how that era of
>> Cocoa worked, and I was able to move forward on gnustep. Until I started
>> looking at more complex gui constructs, which is where it breaks down on
>> Linux/FreeBSD.
>> I’m back to the thought that gnustep is dead. Maybe not on the Mac or
>> Windows. But on Linux/FreeBSD gnustep is effectively dead. And I’m back to
>> csharp.
> Good for you, you're welcome to your own opinion even though it is wrong.
> As I mentioned in my previous email.  All you have done here is come onto
> our forum with the SAME statements you made previously in our discussion
> regarding helloSystem on Git Hub.  What you have failed to do as I pointed
> out there and in my previous email is to properly engage the community.
> This is a mistake many developers make (not just with us but with many
> projects).   I remain open to working with helloSystem, but as I detailed
> previously, you need to do it constructively.  Coming onto the mailing list
> and complaining is not going to help your case.
> You are welcome to your (incorrect) opinion that GNUstep is "dead".  I,
> personally, don't know anyone who uses helloSystem so... I guess it's dead.
> ;)
> GC
>> On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 1:23 AM bruce <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, I’ve tried that. It doesn’t look good on any of the themes I’ve
>>> found. I’d try making my own theme if I could find documentation…
>>> But it does not address the bigger issue of artifacts. And it creates
>>> the issue of menu confusion. I always look to the top corner of my screen -
>>> no searching for menus. Then I would have to look for them on only certain
>>> gnustep apps. Not a great interface.
>>> I’m mainly interested in creating apps for Linux/FreeBSD. I’m not
>>> certain my screen lock program would even work on either Mac or Windows.
>>> The same with other desktop oriented apps, such as a shortcut editor. I
>>> haven’t used a Mac or Windows in 12 years since I left Microsoft.
>>> I agree that abandoning Cocoa seems wrong. But these bugs have been
>>> there for a decade without getting fixed, and what I’m starting to think is
>>> that this is just a linux issue. Until recently I had expected to hear that
>>> gnustep was dead. The web site is half dead links, it was offline for a
>>> while, and freshports shows that there is no longer a maintainer for
>>> FreeBSD. The version on the Linux repos is considered dead because it’s the
>>> old 1.9, so you have to build it manually to get the current version. Maybe
>>> it only makes sense for Linux devs to use gtk. Or maybe they just continue
>>> not using gnustep and I’m just the odd one out.
>>> On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 10:07 PM Daniel Boyd <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Bruce,
>>>> Have you tried
>>>> defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSMenuInterfaceStyle
>>>> NSWindows95InterfaceStyle
>>>> That will put the menus at the top of each window.
>>>> Abandoning cocoa doesn’t make much sense. What I think is absolutely a
>>>> good idea would be someone adopting the gtk theme and giving it some love.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Dec 16, 2023, at 15:28, bruce <> wrote:
>>>> Here are some examples
>>>> Notice how the scroll bar splits as well. It also happens in
>>>> prepackaged binary
>>>> You can also see how the menu collides with a linux style global menu.
>>>> This is on helloSystem. On GhostBSD-xfce, the scroll list artifacts are
>>>> less pronounced, looking more like heavy underlines, but the menu collision
>>>> still happens. Menu theme doesn’t align with the desktop. It’s jarring.
>>>> What is more jarring is the ‘blip’ I get, a small rectangle that pops up
>>>> momentarily, suspiciously the same size as the big icon, and then
>>>> disappears when the main window appears. Xfce is the only desktop
>>>> environment this ‘blip’ does not happen on.
>>>> On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 8:10 PM Gregory Casamento <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Bruce,
>>>>> I admit I looked at the mailing list and did see where you have made
>>>>> comments both recently and a couple of years back regarding certain things
>>>>> of interest.  My apologies that you didn't get the response that you felt
>>>>> you needed on some of these issues...
>>>>> On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 2:34 PM bruce <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Gregory, respectfully, I’ve been trying gnustep for the last decade,
>>>>>> waiting for it to be ready, and getting frustrated. During that time I’ve
>>>>>> had 5 different computers, and used about 10 linux distros, and the 
>>>>>> place I
>>>>>> find gnustep working tolerably is on freebsd-xfce. Not too many 
>>>>>> artifacts,
>>>>>> themes are working, but it still doesn’t integrate to the desktop - 
>>>>>> that’s
>>>>>> a design issue , and I’m not asking you to change that, just consider an
>>>>>> alternative.
>>>>> I use GNUstep on Debian Linux at home (I have since Debian 9) and
>>>>> Ubuntu 16-22 at work as well as Windows at work.  All are tolerable work
>>>>> environments.   I use the Ubuntu and Windows instances mostly for
>>>>> Keysight.  On the windows side we use the Windows theme and it has never
>>>>> been a problem for any of the clients that Keysight has using the Eggplant
>>>>> software.  Windows makes up approximately 90+% of their user-base.
>>>>> The artifact problems I refer to have been there all along, and I’ve
>>>>>> talked on several forums to other users that run into them too. If no one
>>>>>> on the project has ever noticed these issues, I don’t know what to say.
>>>>> I am familiar with some of the issues you mention.  There are ways to
>>>>> get around them.  If you would like to discuss that I suggest you ask 
>>>>> about
>>>>> which ones specifically.  I may go back and answer some of your previous
>>>>> emails.
>>>>> I bring up the archaic menu and there are 2 camps - one says use
>>>>>> WindowMaker, and the other longs for something more modern - so i’m
>>>>>> suggesting that you can kill 2 birds with one stone by using
>>>>>> CoreGTK.framework
>>>>> Well.  Here is the thing.  You may be under the misconception that
>>>>> GNUstep is intended as a Desktop Environment.  It isn't or, at least, it
>>>>> hasn't been.   GNUstep's major focus over these many years has been to be
>>>>> as cross-platform as humanly possible.   Arguably it has achieved that...
>>>>> GNUstep currently runs on any POSIX-compliant OS, as well as Windows on
>>>>> both MSYS2 and MSVC.
>>>>> The issue is that the project has left worrying about the "Desktop" to
>>>>> other projects... (examples of this are Etoile -- defunct, GSDE, 
>>>>> etc).   As such GNUstep is perceived as being "reluctant" to change the
>>>>> default theme from the one many people claim is "Ugly".  I find that 
>>>>> ironic
>>>>> given that many OSs modeled their look AFTER NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP (Windows 95
>>>>> being the most prominent of these, as well as AmigaOS 2+).
>>>>> One of the things that has been discussed recently has been the
>>>>> creation of a "Reference Distribution" on Linux and, possibly, other *BSD
>>>>> platforms to allow us to better demonstrate what GNUstep is capable of
>>>>> doing.
>>>>> What I can tell you will never happen is throwing out gnustep-gui in
>>>>> favor of a replacement.  Let's consider your suggestion of CoreGTK.  If we
>>>>> moved to that we would no longer have compatibility with macOS, also we
>>>>> would not be able to use libs-xcode to build projects from macOS on 
>>>>> GNUstep
>>>>> platforms.   Additionally, the framework you suggest lacks many of the
>>>>> widgets we already have so, while on the surface, it might seem like a 
>>>>> good
>>>>> move it is simply not a viable solution.   So, any notion of replacement 
>>>>> is
>>>>> not one that we will consider under any circumstances.
>>>>> NOW, all of that being said... it is perfectly acceptable and possible
>>>>> for you to port that framework to work with GNUstep.  You don't have to 
>>>>> use
>>>>> gnustep-gui if you don't wish to.  That would be fairly awesome.  There is
>>>>> nothing that says you can't use any framework you wish in conjunction with
>>>>> GNUstep.  The more the merrier. :)
>>>>> Yours Sincerely, GC
>>>>> On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 6:14 PM Gregory Casamento <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Bruce,
>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 10:34 AM bruce <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I love gnustep objective-c and Foundation. But the UI is pretty
>>>>>>>> ugly. Theming fixes it cosmetically, but it doesn’t fix the real 
>>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>>> The menu and main icon don’t really fit on any modern desktop. And the 
>>>>>>>> GUI
>>>>>>>> itself is buggy, and leaves artifacts strewn all over the window.
>>>>>>> I am not sure what you mean by this.   Instead of making general
>>>>>>> statements like the above filing bug reports on github (
>>>>>>> would be more useful as they would
>>>>>>> provide more context to the actual issues you are referring to and also
>>>>>>> help us address the problem you seem to be seeing.   I have been lead 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> many years and use GNUstep every day, including with LARGE customers...
>>>>>>> Please see (Keysight) they have 1000s of
>>>>>>> clients and their product is using GNUstep's master branch.
>>>>>>> Additionally, there are some very attractive themes for GNUstep...
>>>>>>> namely...
>>>>>>> <gnustep-narcissus.png>
>>>>>>> And...
>>>>>>> <nesedah.png>
>>>>>>> As well as the Windows theme... (on windows of course)...
>>>>>>> <WinSavePanel_Full.jpg>
>>>>>>>> So tbh, I’ve been investigating GtkSharp, since dotnet8.0 is now
>>>>>>>> available on linux, and is in ‘beta’ on freebsd. While investigating 
>>>>>>>> that,
>>>>>>>> I discovered gtkcore, a gtk binding for gnustep. It has some minor 
>>>>>>>> issues,
>>>>>>>> but not the magnitude of the issues with cocoa, and gtk is well known
>>>>>>>> territory.
>>>>>>> There is a GtkTheme for GNUstep...
>>>>>>> <55085-1.png>
>>>>>>> Gtk is not my favorite toolkit, I would prefer a working cocoa, or
>>>>>>> even qt. But the freebsd desktop uses it in xfce, and with gnustep 
>>>>>>> cocoa so
>>>>>>> unusable, I’m thinking that gtkcore is now the only way ahead to develop
>>>>>>> gui applications with gnustep. Or, I suppose you could fix cocoa - but 
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> gets so much push back I’ve given up hope.
>>>>>>> The best way to cooperate with the community is to file bugs and
>>>>>>> give useful feedback -- which you have NOT done here.  Simply saying "it
>>>>>>> doesn't work" or "it's ugly" is not going to help because people need
>>>>>>> SPECIFIC feedback to make things better.
>>>>>>> PS.  The Gtk and Windows themes both use NATIVE widgets from those
>>>>>>> environments.
>>>>>>>  --
>>>>>>>> Bruce Davidson
>>>>>>> Yours Sincerely, GC
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Gregory Casamento
>>>>>>> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>> - Become a Patron
>>>>>>> - OpenHub standings
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Bruce Davidson
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gregory Casamento
>>>>> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
>>>>> -
>>>>> - Become a Patron
>>>>> - OpenHub standings
>>>> --
>>>> Bruce Davidson
>>> --
>>> Bruce Davidson
>> --
>> Bruce Davidson
> --
> Gregory Casamento
> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
> -
> - Become a Patron
> - OpenHub standings


Bruce Davidson

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