> On 17 Dec 2023, at 17:38, Richard Frith-Macdonald 
> <rich...@frithmacdonald.me.uk> wrote:
>> On 17 Dec 2023, at 14:20, Andreas Fink <af...@list.fink.org> wrote:
>> The only version which is not up to date on repo.gnustep.ch is currently 
>> Ubuntu22 on Intel as I run into a strange error with configure of 
>> gnustep-base as it does not want to detect my libiconv-1.17 version for some 
>> reason. The same version I compiled and used under Ubuntu22 on arm64 and on 
>> Debian worked just fine. (if anyone has a hint on how to convince 
>> ./configure to just use my libiconv I pass, let me know. 
>> --with-libiconv-library=/usr/local/lib/libiconv.a  was not enough).
> I had a look at the documentation/comments in configure.ac
> They suggest you may need to use  --with-libiconv-include= as well as 
> --with-libiconv-library= if you have multiple versions of iconv with 
> conflicting headers
> If that fails, I guess you'd need to look at the config log to work out why.

I tried this but it didn't help.
I have reinstalled that ubuntu machine and this time it worked.

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