Hi Bruce,

bruce wrote:

> My experience on unix like does not track with that. It looks
> brutalistic. Not native - it never fits in the desktop. What I hear from
> most people that have tried it is “the 90’s are calling, they want their
> desktop back”. I see a big disconnect between the way gnustep looks on
> mac/windows, and the way it looks on linux/freebsd.

You can use GNUstep libraries in two ways.
The first, is like gtk for Xfce or GNOME: as part of an environment. If
you use GWorkspace, Terminal, Ink, GNUMail, they all fit together. It is
a disconnect from another system, but fits. You may like or not like the
look.. and we can discuss forever [*]. Personally, I love it and given
the horrible look of windows 10, I think we are better! Also here a
theme puts everything smooth, we have some wondeful examples which bring
you to a close Mac experience.

Then you can use GNUstep but want to use another environment. There you
need a theme that changes the look. Here you need specific theme, e.g. a
windows, GTK, or even a "gnome" theme.

If you use a QT application in XFCE it looks out of place, if somebody
didn't do some smoothing with themes which may have been done for you by
the linux distribution.

Of course, it is all work in progress, this is open source.

Another important thing is exploring dbus or similar, to work with
unified toolbars and events. There was work in the past, but it stalled.


[*] De gustibus non est disputandum.

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