On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> All of this talk is being perpetuated by the FUD created by some
> registrars that were upset (and probably still are) that the new transfer
> policy prohibits them from throwing up all kinds of roadblocks in an
> attempt prevent their customers from transferring away to a different
> registrar.


It's 'perpetuated' by the e-mails my customers receive that say "We've 
received this request to transfer your domain away from Tucows. Unless we 
here from you, we're going to do it". They don't like that. It doesn't make 
them feel safe.  Even when they DID mean to transfer it, they don't like it. 
"What if I was sick for a while, or on vacation" is the usual response.

When they in fact did NOT initiate the transfer they are absolutely 
irate, and I don't blame them. At least it's easier now that everyone 
has to do it, when it was only Tucows it was a sales nightmare.

Althought I suppose since they are e-mails, technical it is 'Things they've 
read on the Internet". 

Chris Candreva  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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