On 1/16/2005 1:57 PM Christopher X. Candreva noted that:

It's 'perpetuated' by the e-mails my customers receive that say "We've received this request to transfer your domain away from Tucows. Unless we here from you, we're going to do it". They don't like that. It doesn't make them feel safe. Even when they DID mean to transfer it, they don't like it. "What if I was sick for a while, or on vacation" is the usual response.

When they in fact did NOT initiate the transfer they are absolutely irate, and I don't blame them. At least it's easier now that everyone has to do it, when it was only Tucows it was a sales nightmare.

They don't see these if the name in question is locked.



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- Charles W. Eliot (1834 - 1926)

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