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On 17/01/2005 11:29 AM Derek J. Balling noted that;

| By and large, I think that the two "why this is happening" reasons are
| utter crap. Spam and viruses are easily mitigated via restrictions on
| attachment-types and limiting who can post to the list, and "threading"
| is pretty much built into every mail application made in the last five
| years.  So if THOSE are the reasons you're proposing as the "why", then
| someone seriously needs to come up with a better cover story.

One of our larger motivations was to standardize on a single tool over
here. Right now were using three or four different discussion management
tools - majordomo, lyris, phorum and fourth one that eludes me.
Majordomo has sucked since we first installed it, Lyris is way better at
managing mass mailings than it is at managing discussions (especially
the way we have it configured) and the fourth one is basically EOL from
what I understand.

Anyone using RSS to keep up on the ebb and flow will have a local cache
as well as anyone that turns on email notifications via their phorum

- --

~ -rwr

Skydasher: A great way to start your day

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