On Jan 17, 2005, at 01:11 PM, Ross Rader wrote:
> Most mail readers, Pine included, make it trivial to read/write via 

Define "Most"? Please be prepared to show your math.

If you define "most" as in "installed user base" then sure, that'll be 
the case, because the bloatware Outlook will happily do it, but if you 
simply exclude Outlook, I think that far fewer mail clients pull 
double-duty than you might think.

What else is popular in that space?

        Thunderbird - yes, but rapidly becoming bloated as well
        Eudora - Nope. Mail only
        Apple Mail - Nope. Mail only
        Pegasus Mail - Nope. Mail only.

Please don't try to paint this as being "simpler, easier" than, say, 
not doing ANYTHING different than any other e-mail message. Doing so is 
pretty much a losing battle. heh


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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