On 17 1 2005 at 1:15 pm -0500, Christopher X. Candreva wrote:

>I usually find when a group moves to a web forum, despite my best intentions 
>I stop participateing. I just don't remember to go to the forum, unless I'm 
>haveing a big problem. Even newsgroups I only remember every few days. 

I have to pipe up with another pair of hands raised in the air here.  I
despise web forums, and don't use them simply because they are too much a
pain in the ass.  NNTP is not so much a problem for me, in part because I
run a newsreader for other purposes anyway and I also appreciate the
threading, etc. -- but the lack of local archive, as well as painful
searchability, is a serious concern which is more important in a
business-related context like this rather than with regular old Usenet
(which is mirrored by google groups anyway).

I just posed a (presumably repeat) question in the blogware group about
an issue that, had it been discussed on a mailing list, I would almost
certainly have kept here and thus would have been able to find the answer
pro-actively.  Tsk tsk.

>Ross has mentioned e-mail "notifications". I've just looked through Phorum 
>and do not see any option to do this.  Hopefully what is sent out is the 
>actual message, not just a mail that says "A new message has been posted 
>here" as some of these web board programs do.

I am hoping the same thing.  I hope that somebody comes up with some
software that will essentially retain the functionality and utility of
these e-mail lists.

(who still himself hasn't jumped on any RSS bandwagon, although he
increasingly realises he ought to since it is the fad du jour)

Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

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