On 1/11/2015 4:26 PM, ma...@mohawksoft.com wrote:
Exactly, you are the one who brought up "relational" and the OP only
mentioned SQL.


Kent asked about "No-SQL Database". This means one of two things. One is the NoSQL RDBMS. The other is the NoSQL philosophy. The former seems unlikely given the context of Kent's original post. The latter seems likely. NoSQL as a philosophy means "eschewing the relational model", thus me using relational vs. non-relational is relevant. NoSQL is a poorly chosen name for the movement and NoSQL's author has suggested that it be called NoREL instead.


If by "No-SQL" you mean "does not use SQL" then I suggest that you compile a list of interfaces that you want to use, or are willing to use, and submit that as a base line for recommendations.

Rich P.
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