On 01/11/2015 05:32 PM, Richard Pieri wrote:
If by "No-SQL" you mean "does not use SQL"

Just that I dislike SQL, I don't want to have to maintain a separate code base of stored procedures, I don't want to have to use Python to assemble SQL on the fly either.

I would like something that has a nice Python API. But if I can't I can't. If the no-SQL part has to be discarded, so be it.

I don't need relational features, but I don't mind if my database supports them. There is nothing in my data that needs a free-format key/value features. Maybe there is a nice Python interface to PostgreSQL that hides SQL bits, but I doubt it.

I support the idea that irrational prejudices are irrational, but I also support the idea that aesthetically pleasing tools are good, make for better results, etc.


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