On 2010-10-04 9:45 AM, Nguyen Vu Hung wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:30 AM, Charles Marcus
> <cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
>> If a problem document contains information that cannot be shared, the
>> user either sanitizes it or doesn't share it.

> If we have to help MSO users migrating to ODT,
> I suggest that we need to focus on
> MSO 2007, 2010 -> ODT conversion
> and forget about the older MSO formats.
> The reasons are
> 0. Basically the conversion works OK
> 1. We dont have to enough resoures.
> 3. MSO formats older than 2007 will fade out
> 4. Suggest them to keep the files as is, and using ODT when creating new
>    files.

One of the things I started doing when Office 2007 was released was to
recommend that people configure their Office to save in the old formats.

That said, it made much more sense for me to do this back when MSO 2007
was first released than it does now, so I do see your point.

But, I disagree that we should totally ignore the older formats, for one
big reason: there are a *lot* of people still using Office 2000/XP/2003
that will not be upgrading anytime soon.

Also, if, as you say above, 'basically the conversion works ok', then
problems with older documents should be less frequent...

Of course it stands to reason that the developers should decide which
issues were to be fixed based on how much effort was required. This way
problems that were easy to fix could still be fixed.

Oh - and last - I'd really like to see the developers incorporate a
bounty system into the bug tracker, so that if a specific bug is near
and dear to someone's heart that wouldn't mind paying to have it fixed,
that could happen too.


Best regards,

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