On 10/04/2010 06:45 AM, Nguyen Vu Hung wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:30 AM, Charles Marcus
> <cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
>> If a problem document contains information that cannot be shared, the
>> user either sanitizes it or doesn't share it.
> If we have to help MSO users migrating to ODT,
> I suggest that we need to focus on
> MSO 2007, 2010 -> ODT conversion
> and forget about the older MSO formats.
> The reasons are
> 0. Basically the conversion works OK
> 1. We dont have to enough resoures.
> 3. MSO formats older than 2007 will fade out
> 4. Suggest them to keep the files as is, and using ODT when creating new fi
> les.

I agree MSO 2007 and 2010 should be the priority, but a big advantage of
LibO could be that it *can* read older formats.  Government regulations
and company policies often require documents to be retained for years
and sometimes decades.  MSO 2007+ no longer allows opening MSO <97
documents, because it is unable to do so securely.  If LibO can open
these older documents, it's one more reason to switch away from MSO.

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