On 14/10/10 17:49, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2010-10-14 06:32, Nikola Yanev a écrit :

Oracle announced that it is going to put a lot of effort in OO.org now.
Suppose this will happen: How do you plan to make use of Oracles
improvements without being forced to obeying to Oracles will and roadmap? I mean if LO introduces many innovations and improvements, keeping in sync
with the OO.org codebase and being able to merge Oracles improvements
without a huge porting effort will be a hard job.


I think the answer gonna be interesting :)

I think at this point, it is pretty obvious that Oracle has not shown any intention of taking part in this project and we should not expect it to be part of this any more. Our initial expectations were optimistic, but we should no longer expect them but feel "pleasantly surprised" if they decide in the future to join us. Just as "pleasantly surprised" if the decide in the future to release the trademarked "OpenOffice.org" name. They will be another organization just like any other helping out with LibreOffice. Their hold on the community and the namebrand is no longer an issue. I think we are passed that now.


Certainly with the momentum that has recently developed in connection with LibO it would seem a real shame to now drop the ball and rely on Oracle to drive the process using OOo. There does seem to be an inherent value in continuing the LibO fork, pushing it out as a community project as far as possible and if Oracle want to adopt aspects of LibO, then fine. This would be far better than getting into any potential tussle with Oracle in the future should LibO want to utilise some of the now-owned OOo code base for LibO development.

What I mean is, LibO makes good sense to continue supporting and developing regardless of what Oracle decide to do with OOo, because who knows what might happen in the future. Oracle might try to revoke OOo's open source and GPL properties or may even be bought out in the future by another company that seeks to privatise OOo ... now that LibO has broken ground, it seems a wise move for the long game to continue to support and develop it irrespective of whatever it is that Oracle (or whomever) does with OOo. With continued development, one might hope that LibO keeps all of the good stuff that made OOo a great alternative to MS Office, et al, and to overcome all of the bugs and issues associated with OOo. Let's face it - the open source world really does need a killer office suite, and LibO is the closest we have to providing one.

In short - I propose that we continue to support the nascent developments of LibO so that it can be grown into a fully-fledged, mature, sophisticated, stable and user-friendly OSS office suite.

My $0.02 worth.


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