On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 12:16:06 -0000
Zaphod Feeblejocks <zapho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > > The Go-oo homepage also says "Going forward, the Go-oo project
> > > will be discontinued in favor of LibreOffice." Does that mean
> > > that LibreOffice is driven by Novell too?

> Ways to resolve this include:
> - Open (and easy to find) statistics on the numbers of current
> developers on LibO and their background.
> - More clear input from Google, etc., towards easy integration with
> Google Docs (in the way that the MSO integration with the web-based
> version of MSO will become something users expect).
> - Joint-branding with Thunderbird, Scribus, etc. There have been many
> posts on the OOo lists over the years asking "do you do a calendar?"
> or "Do you have a Publisher replacement".  No, we don't - but clearly
> promoting other open source projects and working with them to make
> life easy for people coming away from MSO helps all people.  

Since this looks a little like a wish-list, I thought I'd add mine. (Or
am I engaging in wishful thinking? :-) )

I think it would be nice to be able to open AbiWord documents (.abw)
that render properly. LibO (and OO) Writer will open the file, but
there's a lot of coding visible, I'm guessing it's xml code.  I can
open odt files just fine in AbiWord (as well as doc and docx files)
and they render properly; but the reverse isn't true. Therefore, since I
have some documents already in abw format, I generally stick with
AbiWord for my few word-processing needs. 

Happy New Year to all!

Cia W

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