> Is it possible to allow Oracle to donate to Apache and then for TDF to go
to Apache and say "Please let us have that?"

Hello Zaphod,

There are two pieces to Oracle's donation:

1. Oracle has granted the Apache Software Foundation a license to distribute
the OpenOffice code under the Apache License.  (To answer the question
Charles just posted, Oracle has retained ownership of the copyrights, and
granted the ASF a license.)

2. Oracle has granted the ASF permission to use the OpenOffice.org
trademark, and has indicated that it will eventually transfer ownership of
that trademark and the openoffice.org internet domain to the ASF.

Just addressing the code, yes, the TDF can take all of the code under the
Apache License, so that part is done.

I think what you are saying though is this: Can we ask the ASF to not go
forward with an Apache OpenOffice project that is licensed under the Apache
License.  The answer is that we can ask and that has been asked.  The
sentiment over at the ASF is that they see value in having an Apache
Licensed project.  With an Apache Licensed project, anyone downstream can
use the code, including TDF, IBM, or anyone else, and they can use it for
open source or closed source derivatives.  That is essentially the ASF's
mission in life.  They are a USA recognized charity (a 501(3)(c), I
believe), that is dedicated to producing software that is free for virtually
any use.  So it is my understanding that having accepted the donation from
Oracle, their preference is to do ahead and convert the code to the Apache
License, so that the core ODF functionality and any other important and
valuable technologies can be adopted into as many projects as possible, both
open source and commercial.  They are welcoming anyone to participate in
that who has an interested in OpenOffice, ODF, free software, etc.  They
have no problem with the TDF using any code that the project produces, and
they welcome contributions from any TDF members, whether they want to
contribute individually or as a group.

That is my understanding.


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