On 04/02/2012 18:37, Pedro wrote:
Jonathan Aquilina wrote
I am planning on offering something like that to my clients all they
would be paying for is the virtual private server. Online is where
everything is going. Pedro have you tried compiling LO from source
Michael Meeks told me how to do it and its quite simple to get it
compiling for the web at least from what i have been told, will soon
find out if that is true.
Compiling from source is beyond my skills :)
But I'm available to do some testing of your virtual private server ;)

However I hope that LO server based is a suite installed on a local server
and running on the browser as Google docs does. This would allow to have a
centrally updated stable office suite instead of having to install in each
PC... If it is done in a similar manner to Google Docs and IBM Docs, the
documents can be shared and even edited simultaneously by several users
within an intranet.

Am I daydreaming? :)

No your not. I want to make what your saying a reality, At the moment I have vmware esxi which is major beurocratic BS to be able to resell services. I will probably end up going with an open source virtualization soultion like xen with lvm.

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