Hi charles,
(B#I hadn't written  English text for a long time ,So I'm being  tense now. :-)
(BOn Sun,  3 Apr 2005 15:36:27 +0200
(B"charles-h\.schulz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(B> Hello Akimitsu-San,
(B> > On Saturday 02 April 2005 10:33 pm, Akimitsu Watanabe wrote:
(B> > 
(B> > Hello Charles,
(B> > 
(B> > I'm Akimitsu Watanabe, a member of the Japanese Native-Language project.
(B> > 
(B> > As Nakamoto-san has already pointed out earlier, the conference was a great 
(B> > success. The popularity of the seminars, in particular, was among the top 
(B> > within the OSC2005 (Open Source Conference 2005).
(B> > 
(B> > This has made me realize how popular OO.o is as a software, and how much 
(B> > people are paying attention to it.
(B> > 
(B> > Now, I have a question for you, Charles.
(B> > 
(B> > Do other Native-Language projects hold a conference like this? If you know 
(B> > of 
(B> > any, please let us know.
(B> Yes, several native-lang projects have hold similar conferences, but I wonder 
(B> if they got the same impressive numbers.
(B> Actually I can speak of several recent or or soon to come conferences:
(B> -France, Paris, the OOo Day at the Linux Solutions, Paris. It was a huge 
(B> success.
(B> -Germany, Chemnitz
(B> -Turkey
(B> -North American Regicon for OOo  (Part of the Desktop Linux Conference)
(B> Several others I don't remember. In general, I have seen that they all score 
(B> pretty high. 
(BI see.
(BAlthough I think that it will be helpful if the information on conference 
(Bin the world is sharable, how is it?
(B#The English-speaking communities is the language barrier.
(BI think that it is also good to introduce by page of "native-lang project of  
(Bthe month".
(B>I have been the master of ceremony together with Sophie Gautier, FR lead, at 
(B>the OOo Day, and it was a really strong moment. 
(BI see.
(BIs the photograph at that time on Web?
(BI want to look at it very much.
(B> Beyonf these conferences, do you have any data or any idea about the 
(B> migrations to OOo (and/or Linux) in Japan?
(BUm...I don't know it.
(BBut, The Policy Affairs Research Council length of the governing party of Japan 
(Bmade the remark of the main point 
(B"it is desirable that Windows, not only MS-Office but Linux, and OOo and a 
(Bchoice increase." 
(BAnd, Only with the server which I have managed, 
(Babout 200 ISO images Of OOo which the CD-ROM project of Japanese 
(BNative-Language project created are downloaded per month. 
(BI think that attention is carried out.
(B#I desire to be supported by people with detailed data.
(BBest regards,
(BAkimitsu Watanabe
(B#$B5W$7$V$j$N1Q8l$G!"6[D%$7$F$$$^$9(B ;-)
(B> $B%O%m!R2p$9$k$N$b$"[EMAIL
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(B> $B%Q%j$N(BOpenOffice.org$B%G%$$N;~$O!"%U%i%s%98l%W%m%8%'%/%H$N%j!<%I(BSophie
(B> Gautier$B$H;d$,;J2q$r$d$j$^$7$?!#(B
(B> $BK:$l$i$l$J$$=V4V$G$9(B
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