On Tuesday 05 April 2005 12:27 am, Yutaka Kachi wrote:
(B> catch$B$G$9!#(B
(B> $B$*Aa$&$4$6$$$^$9!#(B
(BTranslation begins ---
(BGood morning.
(B> >>I'm afraid that the Japanese project (and other native-lang projects
(B> >>as well) will continue translating their own bug reports in english...
(B> >>
(B> >>The problem here is that the community, that means, you, I, others,
(B> >>can't do much about that.
(B> >>
(B> >>Sun Microsystems pays Collabnet, editor and maintainer of SourceCast
(B> >>for the OpenOffice.org web site, mailing lists, IssueZilla, etc...
(B> >>
(B> >>And if Collabnet doesn't decide to localize issuezilla, we can't do
(B> >>much more than wait... :-(
(B> $B$J$k$[$I!#(B
(B> $B$3$l$O!";d$?$A$N2]Bj$G$9$M!#(B
(B> [EMAIL PROTECTED]|$N%$%Y%s%H$G!"(BCollabnet Japan$B$N?M$HOC$r$7$^$7$?!#(B
(B> $BF|K\$G!"(BCollabnet$B$rBg!9E*$K;H$C$F$$$k$N$O!";[EMAIL 
(B> $B8=:_!"(BWeb$B%5%$%H$NF|K\8l$NJ8;z$,@5$7$/I=<($5$l$J$$$H$$$&8=>]$,$"$k$N$G$9(B
(B> $B$,!"[EMAIL PROTECTED]&$G$9!#6a$$>-Mh!"2?$i$+$NO"7H$,http://native-lang.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectMailingListList
(BTranslation begins ---
(BI've just subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BI encourage others to do the same.
(Btranslated by Kohei
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
