Yutaka Kachi wrote:
(B> catch$B$G$9(B
(B> Hirano Kazunari wrote:
(B>>charles-h.schulz wrote:
(B>>>your figures and numbers are indeed impressive.
(B>>>You were mentionning Microsoft Japan in your report.
(B>>>What are your relationship, if you have any, with Microsoft?
(B>>>Did they make any mistake recently?
(B> $B:#2s$N(BRegicon$B$O!"(BOpenSource 
(B> Conference(OSC2005)$B$N0lIt$H$7$F9T$$$^$7$?!#(B
(B> MS$B$N9V1i$O!"$=$N(BOSC2005$B$N>7BT9V1i$N0l$D$G$7$?!#(B
(B> $B%$%Y%s%H3+:EB&$H$7$F$O(B($B;d$b$=$N0l?M$G$7$?(B)$B!"[EMAIL 
(B> PROTECTED],M_$7$+$C$?$s$G$9!#(B
(B> $B$^$?!"$9$G$K%*!<%W%s%=!<[EMAIL PROTECTED]/!"CN$i$J$$?M$K$b(B
(B> $B;22C$7$FM_$7$$$H9M$($F$$$^$7$?!#$=$l$O!"$"[EMAIL PROTECTED];W$$$^$9!#(B
(B> MS$B$H$7$F$b!"%*!<%W%s%=!<%9$N%3%_%e%K%F%#$K8~$1$F%a%C%;!<%8$rN.$7$?$$$H(B
(B> $B9M$($F$$$?$N$G$7$g$&!#$3$A$i$O!"$&$^$/$$$C$?$+$I$&$+$o$+$j$^$;$s!#$"$^$j(B
(B> $B?M5$$O$J$+$C$?$h$&$G$9!#(B
(B> $B;d$OF1$8;~4V$K(BOOo2.0$B$N%G%b%s%9%H%l!<%7%g%s%;%C%7%g%s$r$d$C$F$$$^$7$?$,!"(B
(B> $B$b$C$H>.$5$J%;%_%J!<%k!<%`$K!"(BMS$B$HF1$8$/$i$$$N?t$N?M$,=8$^$j$^$7$?!#(B
(BTranslation begins ---
(BThis year's [OO.o] Regicon was held as part of OpenSource Conference
(B(OSC2005).  The speaker from Microsoft was one of those speakers who
(BOSC2005 invited into the event.  The reason for that was the OSC2005
(Bevent committee (of which I was a member) particularly wanted some
(Bpublicity.  We also hoped to attract participants who were not
(Bnecessarily familiar with the open-source, in addition to those who
(Balready were.  From that point of view, I think we had a pretty good
(Bsuccess in that regard.
(BI speculate that even Microsoft may have had an intention of sending a
(Bmessage to the open-source community [by delivering a speech in an
(Bopen-source event like this].  I'm not sure if they succeeded in terms
(Bof that, because the popularity of that particular speech didn't appear
(Bto be very high.
(BIn the same time slot as the Microsoft speech session, I was giving a
(BOO.o 2.0 demonstration session in a separate, and much smaller room, and
(Bmy session attracted just as many people as the MS session did.
(Btranslation by Kohei
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