
> Hi Maho,
> Maho NAKATA schrieb:
> > Hi Andre Schnabel,
> >
> > I think Germanophone Project is one of the very active
> > NL in the world, esp. I'm intersted in your fastest QA.
> >   
> I'd be interested in that too ;-)
> > How do you do that?
> Hmmm .. not easy to describe. It is a process, not a task. Our QA relies 
> on two types of contributors.
> 1st ... the experienced and long-term team members.
> 2nd ..the "new" members
> the 2nd group is that group, that will likely to work with TCM or do 
> simple automated tests (means runs the tests but will not analyze the 
> results) To find such people, we are used to "advertize" the relevant 
> QA-tasks (e.g. we send an "inivitation" mail to our German lists when 
> localization tests or release tests start. For those tasks, a wiki-page 
> is prepared with information about the tools, who to ask for help, where 
> to report problems, where to get the correct builds ... and a list of 
> persons who is doing waht kind of tests.
> By doing this, we get about 1 to 4 new testers per release.Some of them 
> will leave the team for the next release - so the outcome is not really 
> high .. but it is at least better than nothing.
> The more importand group of testers is indeed the 1st group - experience 
> long term team-members. We are happy, to have "a lot" of such members 
> (compared to other native lang projects). But only a handfull is 
> participating inthe "official"  release QA. This is mainly me and 
> Mechtilde, coordinating the process. We have one tester per Platform (me 
> for Win, Mechtilde for Linux / deb, Jacqueline for Linux / RPM, Marko 
> for Solaris x86 .. and changing members for Mac).
> But speaking of the official process .. none of those persons is able to 
> do a complete QA (eg, we are not able to do *all* TCM-Tests before a 
> release and run all automated scripts   on every platform). For most of 
> the releases I tried to make sure, that at least a minimum of thest is 
> run (complete automated update tests on at least one platform, 
> TCM-Release Sanity Scenario on each platform .. but not for every RC.)
> Meanwhile I even tell some people "don't stick to close with TCM test 
> cases". Experience show that it is not likely, that someone who is doing 
> TCM-tests the third time will find any bugs.  It is better to have 
> experienced people work at their favorite application area. 
> Unfortunately this is nothing I could write down as a golden rule ... 
> because this depends on the people you are working with. E.g. I know, 
> that Mechtilde would spot bugs in Base very early - Jacqueline will 
> check Writer, because this is her own business interest. We have on or 
> two people using Basic .. they are no real testers, but will test teir 
> own developments with a new RC as soon as this arrives.
> But you need someone who knows all those people, knows who is really 
> using the new version and after all decides if it is ready to relase. 
> This is a whole lot of work.
> What is becoming more and more important within the last months is that 
> we do "a lot" of work in an early stage. E.g. we had a IRC-party to 
> close Issues in the new Chart module (get the list of fixed issues, pick 
> one, see if it is really fixed and close it). By doing such things, we 
> establish a lot of knowledge for the release QA. With that knowledge, we 
> do not need so much time for the release QA itself.
> We are in a lucky situation for such parties indeed. We had three chart 
> developers on IRC yesterday ... all speaking German. This is almost 
> impossible for other native lang teams.
> But one of the keys is Jacqueline. She is great in working with people 
> (Sun staff at the one hand and new community members at the other). She 
> is extremely patient with new members. But I'd guess she's spendin about 
> 25%of her office hours for OOo community-work ..what is quite a lot. 
> (Hours of free time for OOo is still on top of that).
> >  How many QA testers you can find?
> >   
> The numbers ar not that high. For release-QA we have one tester per 
> platform plus 2 or three new testers.  Maybe  5 people extra, who 
> expressthat tey have at least installes an RC and  worked for some days 
> with this new version.
> > What are the problems of your community? 
> The problem is to coordinate all those things.  As we try to attrackt 
> new people, we need to teach them every time. As not all work with the 
> tool and report problems the formal way, someone needs to collect all 
> the information (and someone needs to forward all the information from 
> global projects to our local one).
> The Release process is still very complex .. so unfortunately not easy 
> to understand for newmembers.
> One problem is, that it is not easy to replace some "key members". So we 
> had troubles with 2.2.1 release, as I've not been available and many 
> other team mambers were buy. Mechtilde jumped in and tried to manage the 
> process ... she did some mistakes, but after all it worked.
> hope, that helps ...
> André

-- Nakata Maho 
