>  I've developed (or partially developed) a new plugin  that implements 
>  webform2's slider. Specifically, you can do stuff like  
>  <input type="range" step="1" min="1" max="10" value="1" id="a" /> 
>  and jQuery will automatically convert it into a stylable range widget.
That won't validate for HTML4 or XHTML; "range" isn't a legal value for the
type attribute. Perhaps you could make it a type=text and convert it on the
fly using information in the class attribute?

As for the IE bug, I suspect you're running afoul of IE's flakiness when you
try to insert/delete elements in document.body before the page has loaded.
Your .ready() handler is wrapping the input.range elements with a div.slider
and then trying to modify it just a few lines down.

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