uses jQuery.

The site that comes up when you go to that URL is a Flash *marketing* site.
We offer a project management tool for construction companies. The tool is
built in Rails (it's really, really complex), and we offer some cool
features like webcam integration (so that a contractor's clients can see
what's happening on site) and MS Project integration.

I use jQuery fairly extensively through the site, which also uses Prototype
in some places where I wasn't the guy who wrote the code (there's
Proto/Rails stuff everywhere ;)). There are around 5 full-time developers
who have been working on the project, and I've gotten most of them to at
least try using jQuery when JavaScript stuff comes us (although I've become
the unofficial UI/JS dude, so all of the new stuff is in jQuery).

We have an application-wide JavaScript file, which does all sorts of neat
* Defines rules for forms
** inline documentation (marked with class="inline-documentation") appears
when a form
   element is focused
** Items marked "show_with_checkbox" appear when a sibling checkbox is
** Items marked "show_with_select" appear when a sibling select box has the
correct value
** We built a "select-mover" widget, which consists of two multiple select
boxes that stuff can be
   moved between. You can also sort the contents of the boxes by company or
* All tables with the class "data_panel" are sortable
** Throughout the site, there are markup-based facilities for getting the
sortable-ness to be turned off
   for a particular column.
** We built custom parsers for table sorter.
* We have a date-picker widget that was originally written in pure DOM but
that has gotten heavy jQuery
* The entire startup section of my app takes a "context" param, which can be
used to run the startup
  application-related stuff on a newly loaded Ajax section (this is a
function called by $(document).ready)
* We hide and show advanced filters via a simple jQuery one-liner.
* There's a lot more functionality in the site, but I can't find it all at
the moment.

-- Yehuda

On 1/9/07, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Rey,

Here are a few sites we've launched that use jQuery and another is
supposed to launch this week.

Ensemble Studioes: Age of Empires III (
jQuery helped us quickly throw together an expandable nav and to very
easily address some cross browser issues.

Sewell (
jQuery saved the day for me on this site. I was previously using
Prototype + Scriptaculous and the whole site felt extremely heavy and
sluggish. I spent a weekend porting the whole site over to jQuery and
that is when I realized the astounding benefits of jQuery. I
immediately cut the library in 1/3 and cut my own JavaScript in half
in a few places. I found that once I switched to jQuery my code became
much easier for myself and other team members to read and maintain.
You can find jQuery in use on every page of this site.

Hope Cottage (
You can find jQuery behind the scenes helping us build the unique
navigation on the Home page and delivering an enhanced user experience
in the FAQs.

Dallas Symphony Orchestra (
jQuery's excellent AJAX support enabled us to quickly create an
AJAX'ified calendar widget and made creating the drop down navigation
a breeze.

Brandon Aaron

On 1/9/07, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> With the release jQuery v1.1 eminent, I'd like to begin compiling a list
> of jQuery powered sites for posting on the jQuery site. The sites *DO
> NOT* have to be jQuery v1.1 specific. Sites using prior versions of
> jQuery are perfectly fine for this list. Also, if you're using jQuery
> with another library (YUI, PT, Dojo, et al), that's fine as well. We
> want to know which sites are using jQuery.
> If you could, please provide a description of where jQuery is being used
> within the website.
> Please reply to this email and I'll begin compiling the list.
> Thanks,
> Rey
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Yehuda Katz
Web Developer | Wycats Designs
(ph)  718.877.1325
jQuery mailing list

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