Olaf Bosch schrieb:
> Klaus Hartl schrieb:
>> The only fix I know for that bug is to give the link white-space: nowrap.
> Yes, and is include, works not in IE. This Bug is no new for me, i have 
> never see a fixing.
>> is the background-positioning, thus to avoid redundant code:
> Ah looks cool, i love short code. Have you a idea why i not become to 
> work. See, is need left or right also in the padding. I try so in many 
> many configs, all broken:
> jQuery(this).attr({ title: ""+titletxt+" "+hrefvalue+"" }).css({
>      background: "transparent url("+cuesrc+") no-repeat " + (place == 
> "after" ? "right" : "left") + " center",
>      "padding-" + (place == "after" ? "right" : "left") + "": "19px",
>      "white-space": "nowrap"});

Assigning the property with a dynamic name fails here... try:

var dir = place == "after" ? 'right' : 'left'
var css = {
     background: "transparent url(" + cuesrc + ") no-repeat " + dir + " 
     "white-space": "nowrap"
css["padding-" + dir] = '19px';
jQuery(this).attr({ title: ""+titletxt+" "+hrefvalue+"" }).css(css);

>> Downside with inline styles is that you can't override them in IE for print.
> I would make 2 plugs, one with IMG one with CSS.

You could handle that as an option: {img: true|false} maybe...

-- Klaus

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