Yehuda Katz schrieb:
> I'm in the process of building what will soon be the first release of 
> jQuery on Rails together with Steven Bristol, who was a winner of Rails 
> Hackfest (which won him a free ticket to RailsConf for his contributions 
> to the Rails core).

Great news again (does that stop these days?)!

> I had a few questions that I would love if you guys could answer:
> 1) Are you using Rails?


> 3) Would you prefer an approach that generated JS by writing Ruby 
> helpers that generated jQuery code, or an approach that made is easier 
> to link up existing jQuery code into Rails?

I think both approaches are required. I'd use helpers if they generated 
unobtrusive code, but often I will have to step out of that and produce 
my own custom code.

> 4) If you've used jQuery with Rails, what issues have you run into

No issues :-) It's just fun. By the way, jQuery feels much like Rails/Ruby.

> 5) If you've used jQuery with Rails before, what type of application 
> (size, scope, etc.) was it?

We're using it for the Plazes rewrite. Scope: Location based social 
network, size: hopefully getting bigger each day ;-)

-- Klaus

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