Yehuda, I'm looking forward to jQuery on Rails!

1) Are you using Rails?

All my server-side work is in Rails.

3) Would you prefer an approach that generated JS by writing Ruby helpers
that generated jQuery code, or an approach that made is easier to link up
existing jQuery code into Rails?

I think the former (helpers generating jQ code) -- although I'm not sure
exactly what the latter would look like.
If you go the helpers route, they should avoid dumping JS inline in the HTML
(obviously, this is the beef with the standard Rails JS helpers). It would
be nice if the helpers could write all the JS into the header of your
document, or into an external JS file.

It looks like the UJS plugin has solved some of these problems already, so
it might serve as a useful point of reference. One of the other good things
they've done is provided an easy migration path to switch to UJS.

4) If you've used jQuery with Rails, what issues have you run into

You definitely pay a price in terms of development time. There has been a
lot of effort implementing Prototype/scriptaculous support in Rails --
including RJS templates --  and you throw that all away when you go the
jQuery route (my applications have been *all* jQ or *all*
proto/scriptaculous -- I've never mixed the two)

5) If you've used jQuery with Rails before, what type of application (size,
scope, etc.) was it?

Two Rails apps using exclusively jQ:
- is a map-based app with ratings and reviews. Not huge, but
- is smal, but with more JS. It's
basically one page, with a lot of JS interaction packed into it.

Thanks for your work on this,


Andre Lewis
Author, "Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax"
My blog:
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