Alright... now I've got this working very well.

The only problem I have now is validation.
I normally submit a page back to itself, run some
checks on the form values and throw up any errors messages
before the form processes.

However, with the function "CalculateMortgage" below, I can't do that.

So I need some input on how to use jQuery for validation.

Is there some info somewhere that will walk me through that?

I need the following validation for form input:

Principal:  There must be an entry and it must be a number after
                all "$ , ." are taken out.

Interest:  There must be an entry and it must be a number after
               a % sign which might be entered is taken out.

Years:  There must be an entry and the entry must be numerical.

Can anyone point me to some validation technique info that I could
draw from?



Calc page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    function CalculateMortgage(){

        var Params = {};
        // select all inputs of type text
            Params[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();
                  // "post" the form.  The Param object mimics form fields
                        $.post("/path/to/yourdatapage.cfm", Params,
                                // this is the processing function.
                                // append what you get back to the element
with ID = Result after
clearing its contents


<form name="f">
                        <td align="right"><strong>Principal:</strong></td>
                        <td><input type="text" name="Principal"></td>
                        <td align="right"><strong>Interest
                        <td><input type="text" name="InterestRate"></td>
                        <td align="right"><strong>Duration:</strong></td>
                        <td><input type="text" name="Duration"></td>
                        <td align="right"><strong>Result:</strong></td>
                        <td><span id="Result"></span></td>
                        <td align="right">&nbsp;</td>
                        <td><input type="button" value=" Calculate "
onClick="CalculateMortgage();return false;"></td>


Page from which you are getting the data:

<cfsetting showdebugoutput="no"><cfset calc = form.Principal *
form.InterestRate * form.Duration>

<cfcontent reset="yes"><cfoutput>#DollarFormat(calc)#</cfoutput>

Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Hi, Daemach...
> Thanks for the guidance, but unfortunately, I'm still using
> CF 4.5, so CFC's are obviously not an option.  I plan to
> upgrade this summer to CF 8 and catch up with everyone.
> I was looking over your code, too... that complicated stuff!
> (For someone just starting out, anyway...)  After looking over
> the code, I can begin to see how it's being done... just wish
> I could use AjaxCFC!
> Thanks for your time and help!
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Daemach
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] Need some guidance...
> Hi Rick - 
> This is one of those things I would use ajaxCFC for since it handles
> serialization automatically.  The idea here is that you need to serialize
> the values of your form fields, send them to the server, deserialize,
> calculate and put the results into some kind of structure which gets
> serialized again and returned to the browser for processing which starts
> with deserializing.  Dealing with the serialization/deserialization
> transparently is what makes ajaxCFC so great.
> First, download ajaxcfc here: 
> in the zip file drill down to ajaxCFC/branches/jquery/core/.  Put the
> .cfc's
> in some accessible folder on your web server, then copy everything inside
> the /js folder to your javascript repository - I create a subfolder to
> keep
> it separate:  /js/ajaxCFC.  That's it for the install.
> This sample code should get you started.  I stuck the ajax call directly
> into the click event on the button, but you could put all of that in a
> separate function and then call the function from the click event handler
> if
> you want.
> ===========================
> your html/cfm page with the calculator:
> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript"
> src="/js/ajaxCFC/jquery.AjaxCFC.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>       // additional files
>       $.AjaxCFC({require:'json'});
>       // more additional files
>       // $.AjaxCFC({require:'json,wddx,dDumper,log4j,DWRSyntax,blockUI'});
>       // optional global settings
>       // using these setters also automatically include dependencies
>       $.AjaxCFCHelper.setDebug(false);
>       $.AjaxCFCHelper.setBlockUI(false);
>       $.AjaxCFCHelper.setUseDefaultErrorHandler(false);
>       $.AjaxCFCHelper.setSerialization('json'); // json, wddx
> $(document).ready( function() {
>       // Add click event to button
>       $('#ajaxit').click(function() {
>               //create an object to pass to the cfc.  can also be an
> array, simple
> value, whatever you want.  Objects turn into cf structures.
>               var obj = {firstVal:$('#firstVal').val(),
> secondVal:$('#secondVal').val(),
> thirdVal:$('#thirdVal').val(), randomstring:"why not"}
>               //do ajax call
>               $.AjaxCFC({
>                       url: "/pathto/your.cfc", 
>                       method: "calculate", 
>                       data: obj, 
>                       // can be an anonymous function, or the name of the
> function that will
> handle the return results.
>                       success: showResults
>                       });
>       });
> });
> function showResults(data){
>       // data will be whatever the cfc passed back in js format -
> structure in
> this case to make it easy.
>       $('#result').val(data.results); 
> }
> </script>
> firstVal: <input id="firstVal" name="firstVal" type="text"><br>
> secondVal: <input id="secondVal" name="secondVal" type="text"><br>
> thirdVal: <input id="thirdVal" name="thirdVal" type="text"> 
> <input id="ajaxit" type="submit"  name="ajaxit" value="AjaxIt">
> <hr>
> result: <input id="result" name="result" type="text">
> ================
> Your cfc file should go in the same folder as ajax.cfc:
> <cfcomponent extends="ajax">
>       <!---
> <cfscript>    
>       setDebugMode('request');
>       </cfscript>--->
>       <cffunction name="calculate" output="no" access="private">
>               <cfscript>
>               obj = arguments;
>               data = structNew();
>               temp = obj.firstVal + obj.secondVal + obj.thirdVal;
>               StructInsert(data, "results", temp);
>               </cfscript>
>               <cfreturn data>
>       </cffunction>           
> </cfcomponent>
> Rick Faircloth wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> I've just started using jQuery recently and now
>> I'm trying to understand how to use it with AJAX
>> and I just don't know enough about how it works
>> to get started on a fairly simple app.  The sample app I've
>> been tinkering with sends a URL variable for a User_ID
>> using AJAX to a CF page, which runs a query and
>> returns the info to the calling page and appends
>> it to the body.  I'd like to send results back to the
>> form fields, as well as the calculated result.
>> I just don't have a clue how to set this up.
>> I have a mortgage calculator and I want the user
>> to be able to enter the principal, interest rate,
>> and duration in years, then run a calculation on it
>> and return the result.
>> I've set this up in a regular form that submits back
>> to the page it's on and it works fine.  It's coded in CF.
>> I'd like to be able to calculate and return the results using AJAX.
>> I've worked some very simple code using AJAX (actually
>> it was given to me), but I have no idea how to code for
>> the above scenario.
>> Would anyone care to give this CF'er some guidance
>> on creating this small jQuery/CF/AJAX app?
>> Thanks for any help!
>> Rick
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