Rick Faircloth schrieb:
> Principal:  Validate for entry / Validate that entry is numerical after $ ,
> . are all stripped from entry.
> Interest:  Validate for entry / Validate that entry is numerical
> Years:  Validate for entry / Validate that entry is numerical
> There are so many examples on
> http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation
> that I'm not sure which one is most appropriate.  I usually use RegEx to
> validate the principal entry, too.
Princial: Required Add your own validation method, using the mentioned 
regex. Something like this:
$.validator.addMethod("numeric", function(value) {
    return /myregex/.test(value);

Interest: required + number
Years: required + number

Watch out for the beta 1 release, that improves a lot of things. I see 
if I can get to improve the method examples too.

Jörn Zaefferer


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