exactly joshua. 

the thing of it is that if you already have a computer that runs illumos today 
you are golden.  if you buy a new computer that wont run illumos on the metal 
do not despair.  with virtualization you can still run illumos in a guest. with 
virtual box you can do this on any mainstream OS for free. this comes with a 
small performance penalty but most people are unlikely to find this 

and as joshua said - i am not opposed to people working on desktop support - i 
just am unlikely to bother with it myself absent economic incentive.  i am 
however absolutely unwilling to subject our community to excessive abuse for 
any technical need - least of all for a vanish niche use case. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 21, 2016, at 3:35 PM, Joshua M. Clulow <j...@sysmgr.org> wrote:
> On 21 August 2016 at 15:26, Bob Friesenhahn
> <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> wrote:
>> On Sun, 21 Aug 2016, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>>> the thing of it is - illumos is never going to compete in this space.
>>> unixish under the hood systems like linux and macos sure. but the market
>>> doesnt really want or need another competitor here and even if we wanted to
>>> compete we would be at a disadvantage against other options like freebsd.
>>> the best we could hope for is to make the gap less severe.
>> There is too much talk of winners and losers, and not enough about the
>> users.
>> Please don't make me have to use another computer just to type in my
>> source code.
> For what it's worth, I agree that it's unlikely to be exciting from an
> economic point of view to do illumos on the desktop.
> But as long as I don't have to be the one working on it, I'm obviously
> happy for it to exist!  I agree that there's little point in talking
> about winners or losers.  Garrett is expressing his opinion, but
> obviously not _prohibiting_ desktop (or mobile, or embedded, or
> whatever) illumos from existing.
> Resource availability is really the key.  If enough capable people
> want it to exist, then exist it shall; if not, it won't.  If you can
> find people to work on support for desktop hardware and software, even
> in their spare time: more power to you!
> Cheers.
> --
> Joshua M. Clulow
> UNIX Admin/Developer
> http://blog.sysmgr.org

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