On 08/22/16 09:58 AM, Ray Pating wrote:
I kind of object to the idea that every OS needs a GUI. You don't see
Cisco's IOS needing a fancy GUI, and the server editions of Ubuntu and
CentOS don't bother packaging the GUI with the installer.

IOS perhaps the only example here. But they are going to move to linux kernel as I heard... And linux at whole has rather well GUI, and kernel supports necessary GUI features - scheduling algorithms, the same KMS. So, this seems to be rather adequate. To conquer masses OS should be affordable, should run on common hardware, be easy to install and try, not some OS for elite, like Solaris has always been... Why should I bother with illumos in my new product, as I know that linux already works. And I know it, because it runs on my PC, on my server, on my watches...
Of course it's not the main factor, but I think one of them.
Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department

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