I assume I'm going to get flak for this, but here goes...

>From my own perspective, here are my thoughts on why personas aren't more
abundant, why they aren't done well, and how they can be done more often:
1:  If someone can invent a 25th hour in the day, folks may use that time to
embed proper personas into their work
2:  Perhaps it's different in companies that are fully staffed for UCD work,
but I've seen about a dozen companies who barely have the time for an actual
*design* phase before development, much less anything that doesn't directly
impact the outcome of the project (yes, the perception is that "if it's not
wrapped up and presented to the user at the end, it's non-value-add"...I
don't make the rules, I just follow them).
3:  As a guerrilla UCD practitioner (no, I don't have a human factors
degree), I use the term "personas" only in a very loose sense, to capture
the known quantifiable statistics about my audience, and finish them out
with my own experience.  I wouldn't pretend my personas are valuable beyond
the direct work that I do, and would never submit them for UCD peer review.
I do about seven different jobs, so as expected, Personas get about 1/7th of
my time (at best).
4:   Instead of "fighting bad persona work", I would suggest proving to
people (by unambiguous example) how personas yield a better product.  My
greatest challenge as UCD director (yes, those who can't do, direct) at my
last company was not in educating people.  After the 3rd year most folks
understood most of the methods.  The challenge was proving that it improved
the outcome.  We eventually built several solid case studies that garnered
us respect in the IT project community.  Adding extra time to a 2 month
project for diligent research into personas is invaluable, but a tough sell.

5:  The fact in some groups is that the impact of unusable systems (for lack
of personas, for instance) is not borne by the people who built it.  They
have typically moved on long before users have begun feeling the effect.
Therefore, personas (and general UCD) must be sold to the business
customers, and not the tech leads in charge of implementation.  This one
applied to my last enterprise IT group, so it may not apply to design


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Todd
Zaki Warfel
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 11:32 AM
To: Jeff White
Cc: ixd-discussion
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

On Nov 16, 2007, at 11:19 AM, Jeff White wrote:

> It disturbs me that some in our profession think a persona can be  
> non-data driven. It's bad for our profession if we have people out  
> there calling their guesswork personas. As you say, personas have been
> well defined by many in our field for a long time. Heck, just the  
> general concepts that 1) user research is important, and 2) that it  
> should be based on well conducted, objective, non-biased techniques  
> and data is the core concept of UCD and should be common knowledge  
> to any UCD practitioner[...]
> Why is this happening and what can we do to fight it?


This disturbs me as well. This past year I taught a full day workshop  
on crafting data-driven design research personas-this is my fourth  
time teaching such a workshop/class. Just like every other time I've  
taught it, I began by asking, by a show of hands, how many people have  
actually been involved in persona creation-little more than half. When  
asked how they learned the methods they used to create personas, I get  
the same responses:

1. "I read About Face."
2. "I looked at other sample personas."
3. "I worked with someone who had done them before."
4. "I read the Persona Lifecycle book." (this one was new)

First of all, About Face, while I love the book, doesn't actually  
describe in great detail how to create personas. It talks about them,  
but doesn't describe the craft particularly well. The fact is that  
there are very few detailed resources available for how-tos on  
constructing personas that are data-driven (the only true persona as  
far as I'm concerned). The most thorough book might be the Persona  
Lifecycle, but I don't find it particularly useful for a number of  
reasons I've already stated in the past.

Looking at other examples of personas-frankly, I find that a bit  
scary. I don't know of too many good persona examples out there. Even  
Forrester, who has a scoring system for personas, which while not as  
comprehensive as what I expect, does provide a pretty good measure for  
personas, sampled close to two dozen firms for persona work this past  
year and only 2 came out with passing grades-2 out of 23-25. What does  
that say about the quality of persona work coming out of our field  

So, how do we fight it? Education. Those of us who can, also need to  


Todd Zaki Warfel
President, Design Researcher
Messagefirst | Designing Information. Beautifully.
Contact Info
Voice:  (215) 825-7423
Blog:   http://toddwarfel.com
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