On 3/6/08 7:25 PM, "ext Andrei Herasimchuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The biggest problem you're going to run into is one of the usability
> field's own making to a certain degree. That is, usability is as much
> if not more about research as it is about evaluation, which most
> translate as "testing" unfortunately.

These things easily become a matter of semantics, but this is my impression
as well. Further, many discussions are held with people whose work may not
involve usability/design factors by nature and the view thusly differs a lot
from those of the practitioners of usability/design.

But back to the original question. Personally I find little use of
discussing about terms or semantics in daily work when your team already
knows what their mandate is. Projects I've dealt with can be divided roughly
into these steps*:

1) Focus
2) User research
3) Design
4) Implementation
5) Evaluation
6) Go to 1

In practice, user research is highly involved in steps 2 and 3 whereas
"usability evaluation" comes to play during 3, 4 and 5. Step 5, evaluation,
has little use if you don't use it for anything, but if you do, it can make
afterlife easier and provides personal growth opportunities.

Usability in broader sense, is ingrained throughout the process. How it
manifests itself differs a lot. For example, in design phase we can predict
problems that the design may face and design accordingly. While implementing
we start to see how our designs work in practice, and most of the time there
will be changes because of chances you've taken or due to technical
"surprises". Evaluation can pinpoint what the real pain-points for the users
really are.

In good team (personal opinion), usability is there all the time in form of
people working on the project. In such case there is no point to have a flow
chart box with usability label on it.

Best regards,

Janne Kaasalainen
Interaction Designer / Nokia Research Center

* Naturally, this does not honor the engineers involved in projects but
that's a discussion for a different email.

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