Todd wrote:
> My first response to you would be how did you arrive 
> at your view/perspective on usability?  

My initial exposure to usability was self-taught through Nielsen's
Designing Web Usability and Krug's Don't Make Me Think. At Carnegie
Mellon's School of Design, they break design research into three
fluid phases: exploratory, generative and evaluative, with the last
focused on usability testing. None of the phases exist in a bubble
and they all feed back into the design process.

For me, usability mostly involves guerilla cubicle testing, though
I've done a few more formal studies; one for a mobile wayfinding
system and one for a consumer electronics project. Both involved
people with no prior exposure to the design, so learnability was key
to both. Both also stretched over the course of a week with rapid
design iteration between subjects.

In all cases that I'm familiar with, usability testing bears more
resemblance to a cross-sectional study than a longitudinal study.

// jeff

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