I didn't trim this post when replying, because I think Jackie's post is a
great read.  I'd like to thank Jackie as well as Will for this informative
thread.  I think that a face to face with recruiters at a local chapter of
your favourite UX/IxD/UPA/IA meeting would be helpful.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Jackie O'Hare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> At the risk of really getting you guys going - I'd like to take a stab
> at this.
> I've been a creative recruiter for two years, working at a company
> that's been around for 30 years, working primarily in tech and creative,
> so I know at least a little about what is going on....
> To start with - NO - most of us do not have a specialized degree;
> however, a good number of us have worked in the advertising/creative
> industries at some point in our careers.  I started as a fresh grad with
> an English degree from a liberal arts school.  I got my job because I
> have excellent communication skills, am a quick learner, and have an eye
> for design.
> So, NO, we don't actually do what you do.  Most of us are not hands on
> designers, information architects, or interaction designers.  I had a
> client once who was outraged that I couldn't read HTML code to determine
> whether it would be pixel perfect - I told her that if I could, I
> wouldn't be doing my job, I would be coding!  In other words, if we
> could do what you guys do, barring some exceptions we would be doing it,
> not recruiting.
> My company is very specialized, so 98% of the orders we work on are the
> same song and dance.  We know the types of candidates who do it, often
> we are friendly with them, and are able to get our clients the talent
> they want and our candidates the exact type of work they are looking
> for.  Everyone is happy and there is much rejoicing in the streets!
> That said, sometimes we do get an order that we don't understand.  I am
> guilty of once writing a job ad that read something like, "first you
> wash the LAMP with the SOAP".  At my company, when we don't understand
> an order we do a variety of things to get clarity - online research,
> drill the client, call up a candidate we have a relationship with that
> can shed some light on it (one of our recruiters is married to a hybrid
> AD/Flash Developer at an NYC agency, so he gets calls sometimes).  All
> of those things completed, though, sometimes we still don't understand
> and we have a client that is crying and wants to give us money to find
> someone to help them.  This is when things get troublesome.
> We often are forced to rely on skill searches to direct us to a
> candidate pool - so if you have the appropriate language on your resume,
> you will be worth  calling in times of great desperation.  (Also - our
> own candidate database is the most poorly designed piece of crap
> software that I have ever seen or tried to work with - but again, that's
> something that we can't fix because we don't have the software
> engineering skills to pull that off.)  We often know that you haven't
> coded HTML/CSS for several years when we call.  We know that your IDEAL
> position is not what we are presenting you with.  But sometimes -
> probably more often than you'd believe - the stars line up and a
> candidate who is a little rusty in a particular area happens to be
> willing to do some work for a very desperate client for the proper
> amount of compensation.  This won't happen, though, unless we make the
> call.
> Recruiters aspire to be matchmakers.  It is "personal" in that way.
> However, sometimes in a desperate attempt to keep our clients happy, we
> have to make embarrassing cold calls.  I don't like it any more than you
> guys do.
> I hope that helps and I'm bracing for your responses.
> Jackie O'Hare  |  Manager of Interactive Recruitment
> TTS Personnel, Inc
> Jackie at ttspersonnel dot com
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