> Would you take a Psych class from someone who doesn't have a degree in
> Psych, but has counseled their friends on relationships for years?

Apples and oranges. You can't/shouldn't actually call yourself a
psychologist without a Psych degree. Things get a bit more strict when
you're dealing with people's heads, no?

I'm not sure what a more apt comparison would be, though.

Might help if the teacher knows a bit about gestalt principles and
>> pre-attentive processing - and you don't pick that up coding xhtml and
>> designing great things in Photoshop.
I know quite a bit about psychology, and constantly use that knowledge as a
designer. I have a decent enough understanding of pre-attentive processing,
a strong understanding of gestalt and other relevant principles, don't write
code unless I have to (I leave that to the experts), and only use Photoshop
for editing screenshots.

I don't have a Masters degree, and I didn't study Psych or HCI in collegeā€”I
studied Philosophy and English. (In fact, the best developer I've ever met
has an Associates in Illustration.) The Psych stuff I learned through
self-education. Same with design.

I never intended to become an interaction designer, but it turned out to be
what I'm best at, and what I love doing. As such, I spend a huge amount of
energy focused on getting better at it. That means studying Psychology,
design, communication, marketing, social psychology ... you name it. So
that's what I do.

I don't have a MFA in anything related to my profession, but I could
certainly teach it.

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