Jamie, this is always a good subject to discuss within the community,
so thanks for bringing it up!

First, however, I'd like to underscore what others have already said
regarding how we all want to present ourselves professionally in our
discussion forums.  Those of us that have been participating in
online forums since the 1980s know all too well the challenges
associated with communicating in the limited bandwidth of text

Ours is an incredibly and beautifully diverse community of
professionals, with an equally wide array of approaches and
methodologies used to confront our many design challenges.

Civility and mutual respect are always and forever going to be our
first order here.  Listening to and respecting the voices of others
is our best approach to encourage a sharing of our many skills and

As for design specifications, as we see, there have been a number of
solutions mentioned above.  Since I began consulting in Interaction
Design in 1983, my approach to interaction specification has largely
been in digitally-created print documentation.  Even as interactive
means began to appear in the late 1980s and beyond, I've stuck to
blue-print-like specs, but I understand why others prefer different
methods and everyone should work with what works best for their

With my own work, much of the interaction stretched across both
digital and physical controls and displays, so print documentation
provided a way to efficiently and simply documents flow,
interrelationships, and logical rules.

Also, print documentation, if adequately detailed, is very very
efficient and compact.  It's relatively easy to instantly turn to a
page or descriptive paragraph explaining the logic or behavior, as
opposed to having to reverse extract that from playing with an
interactive model.  Again, interactive models are not bad.  They can
be utterly necessary and it's never bad to have for testing
purposes.  That's primarily what I've used interactive models for.

I like to think of it as the blueprints and the 3D model that
architects use.  One cannot imagine a skyscraper being built only
from a 3D model.  Blueprints are very valuable reference documents,
which can and should contain minute details.

Also, and this mostly applies to consultants, but if you're working
on a large variety of products or services, perhaps built on entirely
different platforms, operating systems, or devices, it's highly
efficient to use print documentation to specify the Interaction

Print documentation is also easy to collaborate with, since documents
can be marked up and written on.  My own consulting was often based on
iterative one or two-week design and documentation cycles, culminating
in a master aggregation and refinement process to produce the final,
large design specification document.

Templates?  Well that's where this is an interesting question for
me.  Looking at my documentation, it's easy to see a general, mostly
graphic design kind of format that I used, but that's pretty much
where my templating stopped.

I never was able to be happy with tools like Omnigraffle, etc.,
because I always wanted to move things around and pack in information
with my own flow lines.  For that reason, I've used Adobe Illustrator
and Photoshop for many years.  Back in the 1980s it was MacPaint and
then SuperPaint (which was an awesomely efficient and integrated tool
for pixels and vectors, though was based on QuickDraw rather than

I'm always happy to share my many printed specification documents
with others (when we're together), but their sheer size (many the
size of small phone books), are rather hard to share electronically.

I do have some photos and samples from some of my projects and their
specification documents up in my 2005 slideshow here:


Bear in mind that when you see two or three pages of specs from one
of those projects, there are probably a hundred or more additional

Interaction Design specification documents almost always covered the

1)  An up-front encapsulation of features

2)  Hierarchical or interrelational maps or diagrams of the system

3)  Interaction flow diagrams (with varying degrees of fidelity from
wireframes to full screenshots).  These would also have a lot of
descriptive text and callouts for explaining and directing.

4)  Full-scale/resolution state screens (when appropriate)

5)  An index of all individual implementable graphic resources, along
with location coordinates (if necessary) and behavioral documentation.

One thing that my approach to documentation has made possible over
the past decades is very close, if not perfect implementation of my
spec.  And this is why I continue to see my own approach to
Interaction Design as that of an architect.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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