On Oct 6, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:

On Oct 6, 2008, at 3:46 PM, Peter Merholz wrote:

While you're wailing and gnashing your teeth over wounded pride...

If you'd like to get into a conversation over who can call the other snippy names or pontificate on motives in flowery language in attempt to belittle the other, I'll gladly take you up on that offer outside the confines of this list.

GIRL FIGHT! GIRL FIGHT! (It had to be said. With apologies to all the real girls out there.)

Yes, good designers would do such things, and have for decades (as witnessed by Henry Dreyfuss' book, DESIGNING FOR PEOPLE, which, as far as I can tell, was the first book on UCD). But, the majority of designers *did not*, and clearly many felt it was necessary to distinguish their efforts from this majority.

It's been like this for decades in the design profession, and well before Dreyfuss even wrote his book. And note that in Designing for People, Dreyfuss does a number of things well beyond what people consider UCD practice... like... building real, full scale working prototypes or doing competitive market research or finding ideas in completely unrelated solutions to other problems that have nothing to do with asking customers anything about anything.

Andrei is correct. UCD had nothing to do with Dreyfuss. I know, 'cause I was there.

For those who care, UCD was born on the engineering side. As I explained in my IA Summit Keynote (and revisiting in my upcoming UI13 Keynote -- register today at http://uiconf.com), UCD was a knee jerk reaction to the times -- those times being the late 1970s and early 1980s.

We're talking the days before real personal computers (yes, there were TRS-80s and Apple IIs, but they weren't being used in a business context yet). In those days, computers had a history of being designed for engineers and operators who would receive significant training for simple functionality. The operators of the computers didn't care about the data or, for that fact, the actual programs. They only cared about running the job, distributing the results, then running the next job. The computer itself didn't have to be easy to use or "user friendly" (the term of the day at that time), because the users were very well trained.

In the advent of "personal computing", (which happened with mini- computer time share systems and solo-purpose devices, such as word processing units -- remember the Wang 2200, the DEC WPS08, and the IBM Displaywriter?), the focus shifted from trained operators that were uninterested in the data, only in the operation, to untrained 'users' that were very interested in the data and uninterested in the operation. This is where the movement for designing for users, which subsequently became user-centered design.

The key players here were John Gould & Jack Carroll at IBM, Ben Schneiderman at UMaryland, Marilyn Tremaine (I'm don't remember where she was at the time), John Whiteside & Dennis Wixon at DEC, Stu Card at Xerox, Ginny Redish & Joe Dumas at AIR, and a handful of others who I apologize for not remembering off hand. (I worked with the DEC team at the time. I'm sure Chauncey will produce a long list of people I've forgotten.) This was all pre-CHI, which had its first meeting in 1982 in Gaithersburg, where 970 people showed up, so it was well off the ground by then. (I didn't go to that, but I was at the second one in Boston the following year.)

The UCD movement was important because it gave us a way to talk with the stakeholders and engineering managers (development was an engineering discipline at the time) about how user interfaces needed to actually interface with users.

While many of us were aware of other design disciplines, they seemed way "out there". Aesthetics and form were far away from what we were trying to do in the early days. In those days, it was all about pure usability -- diagnosing frustration points, producing cognitive models that explained them, and coming up with a thinking that would get past that.

It wasn't until the late '80s and early '90s that people started thinking in terms of formative evaluation techniques as something that could be integrated into the development process. For example, it wasn't until '89 that we started talking about paper prototyping (based on work done by Laurie Vertelney at Apple) and its uses in a development process.

It wasn't until '87 that we saw an integration of visual design with UCD practice, from work presented at the CHI+GI conference in Toronto. (Allison Druin's Noobie came to mind. A life size doll with digital sensors, speech systems, and a video screen.)

So, UCD has predated most of the things we associate with UCD today. And it had nothing to do with design as we think of it today.

And that ends today's history lesson. I hope you took notes because this will all be on the final.

You want to point to Dreyfuss as the model for UCD? Great! I'm all for it. Maybe we'll finally get people in this industry to stop complaining when asked to learn how to draw, using products like Photoshop and Illustrator in depth, code web standards markup, script behaviors and build prototypes of their products for a change. Sign me up.

Seems like an excellent motivation for revisionist history. I'm all for it! Forget everything I said above. It was all Dreyfuss! :)


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