During the time I was lecturing at the Raffles Design Institute at
DongHua University, I wrote the outline of an "Introduction to User
Interaction Design" couse, based mostly on Ben Shneiderman's
"Designing the User Interface", Nathan Shedroff's "A Unified
Field Theory of Design", and Cooper's Personas.

A few topics I covered on that course where:

1- Introduction to Interaction Design
Discuss the difference between designing objects and designing
interaction, and the aspects of interaction. 

2- User Requirements Document
Develop a clear understanding of the characteristics of the
product%u2019s users; understand the tasks users perform; analyze the
data gathered and create the product%u2019s user requirements.

3- Methodologies  
Students were shown the importance of using methodologies in the
design process, and were introduced to the concept of

4- Information Architecture & Way-finding
Student were introduced to the concept of information architecture
and principles of way-finding

5-  Information Architecture & Content Organization
Student were introduced to the concept of information architecture,
principles of content organization and CARD SORTING technique.

6- Wireframing & Prototyping
Student were introduced to the concept paper prototyping and to the
designing of WIREFRAMES.

{ Itamar Medeiros } Information Designer
 designing clear, understandable communication by
 carefully structuring, contextualizing, and presenting
 data and information

 mobile   :::  86 13671503252
 website  ::: http://designative.info/
 aim      ::: itamarlmedeiros
 skype    ::: designative

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