Thank you all for your input. I should probably add that this isn't
something new for me - I've been working in the area for 15 years
and teaching alongside that for about 9 of them. But I felt the need
for a bit of fresh input and I thought it would be good to get people
thinking about this now that more pure interaction design courses are
springing up. 

Most of the time interaction design is embedded, sometimes buried,
within a broader digital design programme or media arts course (like
most of mine have been), so some of that 'unlearning' has to go on.
It also means the remit is broader - sometimes its very different to
talk about how to develop an interactive artwork compared to an web
interface, but there are more similarities than differences and both
worlds can learn a lot from each other. I prefer talking about the
user experience that context more %u2013 albeit with interactivity as
a central aspect %u2013 because it allows some flexibility in

I thought I would return the favour and let people know what has
worked for me and what hasn't in the past:

- Level of hands on help. When I first started teaching, I wanted to
help my students do everything, although my own learning process as a
student was much more self-directed (because at that time nobody knew
how to use the tools much - Director 3 and Photoshop 1.5). What I
noticed with my students was that the more I gave them help, the more
helpless they became through a kind of learned helplessness. Now I
point my students in the right direction and let them work it out
because that way they learn.

- Learning by teaching. Teaching other people how to do something is
the best way to learn it. Getting the students to do that, even if
it's just informally in collaborative work is a goldmine.

- Debugging everything, including design. This relates to what Chris
mentioned. The process of learning to problem shoot both code and
design and how to go about fixing it isn't just for developers, but
goes right the way up through the whole project. Problem solving the
meat and veg of design. It's particularly important in interaction
design because there are far less "standard" or "right"

- Keep it small and simple. Smaller briefs, experimental studies of
styles of interaction, etc. seem to be much more successful at
getting students' heads around the principles and ideas than large
projects, which never get finished anyway. They also allow small
successes in an area which for some people is a steep learning curve
(especially if they're learning some coding too).

- Get off the computer. Lots of people mentioned this, and I'm
really glad to see it. I try to talk about process and idea
generation and iterative design without it being about the computer.
In fact, it's best if it's not on the computer. The pencil is still
the quickest idea generation tool.

- Forcing prototyping. I used to tell my students that they really
needed to have a prototype by about half way through the semester, if
not earlier. Most of them ignored it and felt it was "doing the
project twice" until the end when they realised the thing they had
been working away was really dull and/or didn't work how they
imagined. Now I build the prototyping into the course as a graded
component - they lose marks for fancy graphics and finished artwork
(!) - it really has to be a bare bones engine/skeleton. This way they
get to the end of the semester and find that they've already done
most of the hard work and the finishing up stage isn't the usual
caffeine-fuelled nightmare. It also gives them the chance to change
track halfway through the semester if things are working out with
their idea.

- Expose them to lots of stuff. This, I think, is the most important
thing. To show students work that existed before the web, to show
them where interaction design and the stuff they currently see fits
on a longer continuum of history. It both makes sure that they're
not reinventing the wheel as well as gets them beyond the "how do I
know what to do if I don't know what I can do?" stage.

Perhaps I can finish with one last question: What's the most
valuable thing you learned in terms of interaction/user-experience
design (either in education or through experience on the job)? 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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