Theatre has been doing it for centuries.
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 7:06 AM, Leonardo Parra Agudelo <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I just started working with sound as a source of information, among other
> things, and my starting point was Gestalt, and basic design principles to
> study sound pieces, from sound artists to raw pop, it seems to me there's a
> need to put together some sort of document which talks about this, framing
> sound within our design realm. And I'm not talking from the "sound design"
> perspective, since it appears to be a whole different discipline. What I'm
> looking for is, to find a design answer to understand sound as a critical
> piece of a communication/product/interactive/experience piece.
> I've been in touch with the max/msp community, but their approach to sound
> is located further away in the art spectrum. So my questions are quite
> broad, who's working on this, and which docs/books should I look for to find
> further info?
> Thank you very much!
> Best,
> Leonardo Parra.
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