Hi Ali,

Hope I'm not stepping in too late here. I've made something of a career of
being "the designer on the development team". Although I once was "the
developer on the design team" which might even have been a bit stranger.
Here are some approaches that have worked for me:

- Volunteer to write the spec, of whatever it is being built. Do a great
job. Lead the discussions. Incorporate wireframe sketches. The engineers may
drift from what you sketched, but at least they have a starting point to
consider. With time, you will become the person whom everyone looks to for
initial specifications and design artifacts, sometimes even for technical
internals code. This is because (warning generalization follows) Engineers
love specification documents, but don't usually like to write them.

- Become handy around the shop. You'll want to volunteer to help test code,
to visit with customers, to create prototypes, to help with technical
recruiting - to do whatever you can to make your engineering team
successful. Another generalization: Engineers respect people who work hard
to make the team a success. You want the respect of your team. When your
team respects you, you will be listened to.

- Be very patient. I try to "plant the seed" of an idea early, then help it
grow quietly. I know the time is right when I hear engineers and business
people saying it's time to do this thing, as if it was a new idea they just
thought of. This is a wonderful moment, because you can smile and say
"that's a great idea, let's do this" and all of a sudden you have allies in
a strategic design project. I'm working on one of these now. It took more
than a year to sprout.

- Bear with me here a minute. There's a financial trading term I think is
called a "negative indicator". A funny application of this is there are some
people who always pick stocks just before they fall (oh wait, that's all of
us). Time Magazine covers are a negative indicator - by the time a company
shows up there, it's at the peak. Sports Illustrated covers another. Madden
football game covers also - the player on the cover will underwhelm the next
season. I've heard of traders who kept an eye on negative indicator (people)
as a sort of reality-check on market direction. Ok now back to our story.
There will likely be one very senior engineer on your development team who
is a negative indicator for design. You know, the "let's just add another
checkbox" type. This guy (I haven't met the female version yet, although
maybe she's out there) will be a very skillful coder with deep knowledge of
your system and the respect of all of the engineers on the team. This is the
hard part: you want to partner with this guy. You want to work with him as
closely as you can. He will understand the system very deeply. You will
understand design patterns and be able to make his system more usable and
attractive. Together you will create far better applications than either of
you could do on your own.

- Create paper prototypes. Engineers immediately understand these. Bring
your paper, colored pens, and scissors to prototype working sessions and
everybody will be cutting out shapes like crazy to try different things. You
can advance the design a great deal in an hour of collaborative work with a
crude prototype.

I hope these suggestions are helpful, have fun,

Michael Micheletti

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:38 AM, ali naqvi <a...@amroha.dk> wrote:

> Interesting comments from all of you. Thank you.
> I have had a few conversations with the department managers, other
> co-workers and even prepared a powerpoint presentation for my first
> kickoff, (many of the attendants are engineers) wherein I will stress
> the importance of user Centered Design (OOBE, IX,UX, Usability etc)
> I have noticed that they all think that usability is enough... I'll
> change their views.... :)
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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> http://www.ixda.org/discuss?post=37605
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