Dan's and Christopher's lists are the best, though I wonder what the following people have designed that warrants inclusion:

| - Hugh Dubberly
- Jaron Lanier
- Ted Nelson
- Terry Winograd
- Herbert Simon
- Claude Shannon
- Marvin Minsky

If you're going to include Tim Berners-Lee, I think you need to also include Marc Andreessen, as his innovation of bringing imagery into WWW was fundamental in making it of broad interest.

Other people I would add:

John Maeda (his interactive toys/tools from the 90s...I wish he'd stop theorizing and get back to making stuff

Lisa Strausfeld

Jake Barton (http://localprojects.net)

Dan Bricklin (VisiCalc)

Kai Krause (already mentioned by others)

Marc Blank, Dave Lebling (creators of Zork/Infocom)

Steve Jobs (also already mentioned)

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