Milan & Courtney,

Why do you assume that I mean that low-fi interactive means using color?

I used to believe that whole message about "distraction" until I realized
through conversations about wireframes with clients that there were OTHER
distractions, or more importantly lack of focus. I found that I can easily
tell a client to ignore Look & feel and concentrate on what I want them to
concentrate on. It was about the presentation.

Todd, I actually think you aren't so different as  you think you are. If you
remove the titles of IA/IxD you'll find that MANY designing/building
interactive systems are doing exactly what you do. They aren't in OUR
community, but I've been learning that the interactive community for example
is so much larger than we are as a community and doing a heck of a lot more
of the work we think about as being in our domain. Its like when IAs compare
their work/scope/community to Informatics. I often feel we are a pinprick
compared to the larger context of the work being done.

As for tools. You can use fireworks, blend and flash and do the whole thing
in Grayscale, no? And you can use Visio and add as much distracting color as
in Illustrator. My point about tools is in layering (a topic we haven't
touched yet). If I start in my interactive and drawing tools I'm going to
end in, I can create expertise in the tools that count towards the end
products and not distract my education with learning tools that add little
to no value to the end process. IF Visio or Omni, etc. weren't just an
upstream tool I might agree with you.

So what is the larger point? Is the real point about "wireframes"? NO! Its
really a red herring. the real point is about what is our responsibility as
designers. Not "interaction designers" but as "designers". The answer is
"the whole vision" and anything short of that means that somewhere around
the bend someone is going to be doing a more complete job than you are. It
might not be now, but I give it 4 years and this, "I'm an interaction
designer, I do wireframes" thing that many (not necessarily in this thread)
are defending is going to find their way to the door. I know I will never
hire someone who can't do production graphics again.

-- dave
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