On May 22, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Joshua Muskovitz wrote:

Fact is, most developers aren't great developers. Most designers
aren't great designers.

While I actually agree with this sentiment, it makes it somewhat
difficult to respond to. I am a great developer and if not a great
designer, well then I'm probably just one step down from that. But
it's really freakin' hard to say that without sounding like a jerk.
It has taken twenty years of people whose opinion *I* respect telling
me so for me to believe it.

Here's the paradox. When the bulk of the universe has a knee jerk
response of "you couldn't possibly be really good at what you do,
since the vast majority of people suck at it", how is it even
possible to find those rare opportunities where it actually matters?
It is too depressing to contemplate the notion that it is all blind
luck and quantum mechanics.


Don't mind Robert. He just loves to crush the soul of people who are likely to be more talented than him. :)

(Luv U Robert! You know that, right?)


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