So I'm genuinely curious... why do some folks prefer Fireworks over Photoshop? I ask this knowing most of the answers I think, but I want to see or hear more opinions about aspects of certain features to get a better understanding of what specifically makes Fireworks compelling for some over Photoshop.

To reveal my bias early, I've always disliked Fireworks for two very specific reasons: I hate the way it handled type, and there were layer/ grouping flaws it had that drove me bonkers. I'm not even going to claim Photoshop or Illustrator's handling of type is remotely correct for screen display design, but they both have print legacies that always get in the way, but having used them for so long, it was always the devil you know versus the devil you don't for me personally in this regard. I also know Photoshop's handling of object art is less than stellar, but Fireworks still had layer and grouping flaws Fireworks for so long that drove me nuts, I simply could never get past them for day to day grunt work.

It appears most of the things I disliked about Fireworks have been finally fixed in CS4. Only problem now? Well... I've been largely quiet with regard to CS4 but I'll say it openly now that I seriously want to throttle the dev and design team over Adobe for completely effing up the framework interface. And since they bought the farm on making it across the board, Fireworks now shares the same buggy redraw, crappy windowing and inelegant docking and palette layout behaviors that are plaguing the entire creative suite now. So my chance to finally give Fireworks a real run after they fixed my core problems that were getting my way is going to have to wait until the CS team gets on the ball and brings the quality back online to what it used be for Adobe.

In the meantime though... I've been wanting to be convinced that Fireworks wasn't just another Denaba Canvas or Studio/8 wannabe. So... if you have a moment to share, I'd love to hear more on the whole Photoshop+Illustrator versus Fireworks thing.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Chief Design Officer, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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