As it's been mentioned, influence is out there in many contexts, not
just in Interaction Design. I don't think it's wrong to influence
someone, nor can you avoid it in any interaction with people. Being
ethical is being aware of the implications of that influence and
avoiding causing harm to those being influenced (which includes
making decisions they didn't really intend to make).

I think a lot of way we should approach things is summed up well by
Aesop's 'The North Wind and the Sun'

"Kindness, gentleness, and persuasion win where force fails"

As you mention in the articles 'Influence' section, and j. eric
mentioned with the toothbrush, unless we're plugging into their
brains, the choice is inevitably up to the user. So I don't think
it's right to say we have direct control of another person's
behavior: a guard could go off the watchclock, a person could keep
their jacket on in the sun, and (a phrase I heard that's become a
favorite of mine) "If people *really* want to put a pea up their
nose, no matter what you do, you can't stop them from shoving it up

But we do set up the conditions for people to make certain choices
over others, and you're right in that those conditions need to to be
established in a way that address the human side of the equation, not
just the system's. Those that do it well, I think, will tend to be
more successful. Those that don't are found out, perhaps held onto
begrudgingly for a while, but eventually abandoned. 

BTW, the link to Chris Nodder's site that David mentioned near the
top is As David pointed out, the examples
in there fall in line with this discussion.


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