i don't mean to stop the discussion. (nor do I have any sort of power
to insist on that anyway, or do it?)

My point being that we are not talking about whether or not we can
influence, the question of the debate is how far should we go and
even then that debate is really so subjective, I'm not even sure
what's the point except on a project by project basis.

Now, the real question in my mind is to discuss, theorize, etc. HOW
to do influence. What about perception and cognition and emotion can
we work? What cultural strategies are most effective.

i.e. in social networking design, and social collaboration design
there are a ton of means of getting people to be more contributor
oriented. This is designing to increase activity.

or in e-commerce models, how do we get more people to hit that final

or in health care how do we get people to take better care of
themselves, for clinicians to make less mistakes, etc.?

And the list goes on.

this is valuable. But whether or not we influence and what are hte
moral/ethical implications to me being a limiting factor of IxD as a
discipline or practice is odd. I mean are we going to blackball porn
site designers? Hell! I think we have a lot to learn from porn and
gambling. the like gamers are our pioneers in so many ways.

-- dave

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